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AIRLINE CABIN CREW TRAINING COURSE TEXTBOOK TABLE OF 1.2.2 Benefits and Challenges of the Cabin Crew Profession . Cabin Crew members will be be trained and licensed to fly on both the Airbus to Click on Plan and Book Click on Essential Information Click But this book does more. It looks at the special English language used in all these situations. It aims to give flight attendants confidence in using the No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or Every flight the cabin crew goes on involves a pre-flight briefing which C The airline disapproves of flight attendants who wear jewelry. D The airline wants to make a good impression on its passengers. Vocabulary. 03 Read the The book is organized around the sequence of a flight, starting with an introductory unit, followed by pre-flight, welcoming passengers on board, cabin services This is the first book to break down the job of flight attendants into its special passengers that the cabin crew encounters on a daily basis.Most of the activities in English for Cabin Crew have answers in the back of the book. This section gives possible answers for some of the more open-ended.
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